Stadium Nerf Wars 2012
For those of you who are still confused about the set up for this whole tournament, here it is:

Round 1: Round Robin Play
Short Break: Used to settle any ties in pools/Set up round 2
Round 2: Bracket style play. The top two teams from each pool will move on into this, with 1 seeds playing 2 seeds from other pools.

Here's some stuff to know:

The rosters page Will be updated as I get team information

The matchups page shows the current Round's matchups. The team names are color coded by pool. At the end of each night, I'll check the Email and update who's been eliminated.

The rules page is obviously the rules, which I want to remind you all CAN change. We tried to write them to cover general situations, but if you have a specific situation you want to ask me about feel free.