Stadium Nerf Wars 2012
Rules and Regulations (subject to change)
March 30th: All team information and entry fees are due. For team information, just give me something with your team name and full names of all 6 players.
April 9th: Round 1 Begins!

Restrictions: All participants must be Stadium students and be sophomores or older. If you are out of town for more than 24 hours during the course of the match, you are ineligible to play for that match. There will either be 30 teams of 6 or 40 teams of 6. Just know that if, by the deadline, there is only 31-37 teams, I will be kicking those that last submitted their team information or who haven’t paid, so get your information and money to me ASAP!

Gameplay: Play for the match begins at 12:00 am Monday and ends at 11:59 pm Wednesday. The next Match will start at 12:00 am Thursday and end on 11:59 pm Saturday. Sundays will be rest days. This will be the pattern until the 1st round is over. I will take a day or so after the first round to organize the second round and the same schedule will be repeated. If at the end of the match there is a tie, the two participating teams need to agree on some form of tie breaker and figure out a winner as soon as possible. All confirmed and agreed hits MUST be sent to . (You can text an email account for those of you bound to complain about using email) PLEASE do not flood my phone.

Prize: The winning team will be awarded the prize (The pool of everyone’s $30 entry fee) at the culmination of the final round. If your team has not paid the full $30 entry fee by the end of round robin play, you will not be eligible to move on.

Location: Absolutely NO Nerf Wars on Stadium property at ANY time. No Nerf Wars on other TPS property during school hours. No Nerf Wars at any official school sport or school event locations, including fields, gyms, etc. Nerf Wars in the parking lots of these locations is allowed, if it is not on school property, so these parking lots must be off-campus. No Nerf Wars at Stadium Young Life events. No Nerf Wars while someone is working, on the way to work, or on the way back from work is acceptable.

Guns: Only official Nerf guns, modification is ALLOWED. No swords, axes, etc.

Eliminations: If you or anything you are holding or carrying is hit by a dart fired from a gun, you are eliminated for the remainder of the week, unless the dart hit the ground first. All other rebounds count. If anything you are obviously using as a shield is hit by the dart, you are eliminated.

Protection: If you are completely naked when you are hit by a fired dart, you are not eliminated. You cannot eliminate other players while you are naked. This is your only safety and YOU are responsible for any possible public indecency laws you may break.

Disqualifications: Disagreements about who killed who are bound to happen. If this happens more than 3 times during the course of Nerf Wars, your team will be disqualified. Please work it out within the teams (roshambo, agreements, exceptions, etc.) DO NOT come to me about deciding what happened, most likely, I wasn’t there so I can’t make such decisions. Furthermore, if a player on your team does something that we consider grounds for disqualification, the player or your team may be disqualified indefinitely.

* By playing Nerf Wars, you agree to follows these rules and regulations and understand that they may change. Furthermore, you understand that the organizers are not responsible for your actions or the consequences of your actions at any time throughout the tournament. This is in no way connected to Stadium High School or the Tacoma Public School System.